For me, and for quite a few others I have encountered on “the grid,” Second Life is all about transformations. This is inherent in the foundation of SL. Your very first form on SL is a transformation for it is not the actual you but an avatar of you – a transformation of you for the virtual realm.
The structure of SL makes it inherently easy you to transform yourself. This, from the relatively minor things; hair color, eye color, height, foot size, etc., to the more major things such as your gender or even you species. There really is no reason to ever be unhappy with your form on SL since you can so easily and quickly transform it. If you want to be taller it is but a couple of mouse clicks to reach that screen in the Edit – Appearance menu. Same same with changing your foot size or length of your nose or even changing your gender.
The other changes can be more involved but here to they are pretty quick and direct things to accomplish. I recently went from a human form into that of something else – a “Blood Tigress” form. This entailed something as complex as purchasing the new shape and skin from a vendor and “wearing” them. The end result was “human looking” black female tiger with red striping. My legs took on the “dog leg” bend and my feet became paws. I also picked up a set of tiger cat ears and tail along with a distinctly feline looking – but still human-ish face. This is the form that I transformed myself into for the furry play that my Sir wants to explore with me.
My Sir, Master J, has gone further in his transformation in this play. His form for this is that of a fearsome Minotaur – all huge, muscular, dark and animalistic. I revel in his transformation and we’ve enjoyed some rather fine play sessions with me in my other human form as well as in my new Blood Tigress form. I am looking forward to exploring more of the Furry world with him and what it has to offer.
My other transformations were not so species hoping as the Blood Tigress was. They were all into feminized forms and this was the key appeal of SL for me. In Real Life (RL) it would essentially be impossible to attain the level of transformation that I did with my form. Or at least it would require may months – if not years – and hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of lengthy, painful, and slow to recover from surgeries. For me in SL, it was but a few mouse-clicks away.
Initially, it was simply adopting a new form and skin. These being more petite and female than my male form that I opened my account with. In short order I began transforming myself even further. Here to, I started simply. I changed my height, I changed my muscularity, I changed my hair, I changed my clothing. All this transformed me from a pretty, petite pink sissy into a more aggressive and sexy (for my tastes) shemale.
As I enjoyed that shape, I kept on transforming. I found a “machine” which would produce a different sort of transformation and I ran myself through it emerging with another form. Later, I ran myself through still yet another machine and was transformed again. Seeking to capitalize on the joy I found in that more masculine shemale form, I went out and purchased yet another shape and skin, this one being an “Amazon” shape and a “Muscular” skin to give detail to my envisioned hyper-muscular shemale. All of this was exceptionally easy and flowed from my desires to explore and try new things.
My current form, that of the submissive sissy, is yet another transformation. Quite different from the muscular or Amazon form, this one has been transformed several times now and will continue to be so in the future. Most recently, I took this form and transformed it for the specific pleasure of my Sir. I reshaped my body and form to specifically entail everything that he finds supremely attractive in a female.
My skin became paler, my eyes became green, my hair became red, and my chest – already large with my implants – became larger still. I found no small amount of joy in the submission and willingness to alter and transform my form in order to please him more. It is an inherent part of why I am finding SL to be so attractive and powerful to me.
Along the way I’ve now met others who also enjoy the transformation abilities that SL offers. Some now identify as shapeshifters. One woman I’ve met has over forty different forms that she can transform herself into readily. I find that awesome. I like that sort of creativity. I like that sort of security in a person’s inner self that they can be so free to explore with something so basic as the outward form of who and what they are.
At the same time I also deeply respect the choice of others to retain one form and limit or refrain from any transformation. One femme boi I know, Shawna, has remained just that – a femme boi – for as long as I’ve known her on SL. She has some more experience with SL than I and she has found a form which well suits her needs – that of a highly feminized young man – without having any need or interest in going further. Unlike myself who has changed my form almost weekly, Shawna is quite happy to not so continually transform. That to is an inherent freedom on SL.
I fully expect to eventually settle down into a generally preferred form. At some point. In the future. But not yet. The Role Play (RP) that I am now in entails more transformations of my current form so we’ll see where that leads. I know there will be days when I feel an itch to transform into one of my previous feminized forms – a form where I have not been gelded and do not have a vagina in place of my scrotum. I also know that Master J will call upon his “sex kitten” to go out into the Furry realms and explore there. So, we shall see where and what I transform into over time.
In the meantime, I am enjoying every transformation that I create and change myself into.
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