Monday, March 20, 2023

Two Years To The Day!

Wow!  Two years to the day since last I updated things here.  Yikes!  Well, I haven’t been in a coma over the past two years and I have still been writing.  I just didn’t get ‘round to posting my creations here.  Now I’ve taken care of that!  So, all my erotica is current here.

I’ve also gotten more into captioning over on Deviant Art so I’ll be to posting those here too!

A bit annoyingly however, I’m getting “warning” messages from Blogger about “community guidelines” and such crap.  Their system seems both automated and stupid.  And slow.  But the automatic appeal seems to be working thus far.  It’s odd however when it flags a tale that’s been up for fifteen years.

Anyway, look for more to come!


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